11.13.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • Winter has arrived with a pretty white snow here and though it is easy to complain, winter brings a beauty of its own.  It also makes for some sore muscles from clean-up, but when finished, generally our homes are still standing.  That said, think of the people in Florida and other places where homes have been swept away by tornados and hurricanes.  So let’s count our Blessings and embrace our winter.
  • Our electrical department guys have been preparing lighting for the holiday season so soon we all will be able to enjoy.  Thank you.
  • Thanksgiving, only two weeks away, became a national holiday in 1789 when declared by then President George Washington.  “He had seen America survive due to a series of “miracles” and saw to it that the nation give thanks”. (James R. Harrigan)
  • From our Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) October Board Meeting, plans for another solar/storage project are moving forward.  They are working to generate “green” energy while maintaining a reliable base load so when you flip the switch, “the lights come on”.
  • Thanks to our City Employees who were out clearing snow from streets while many of us were sleeping.  Due to the rain before it snowed, there are many icy areas.  Whether you are driving or walking, be safe everyone.
  • A couple religious holidays about which I am aware, Hanukkah and Christmas, are forthcoming in December.  Both holidays celebrate peace, love, kindness and prayer.  Let’s ask ourselves, “What act of kindness might I provide for someone today?”

 “To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.” 

(Mother Teresa)                                                   

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Posted in Announcements.