04/01/2020 Special City Commission Minutes

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

11:00 AM via Microsoft Teams

Board Members attended from alternate locations to minimize group size and contact, as recommended by state and federal government officials due to COVID-19 and as allowed in ND Executive Order 2020-16.

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 11:13 AM.

Members present: Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Powell, Commissioner Erickson.

Others Present: City Auditor Richter, City Attorney Martineck, Chad Petersen from KLJ.


Discuss funding, including use of Renewal and Replacement fund, for new infrastructure in territories annexed to the City

President Carlsrud reported $3.4 million from Prairie Dog fund is likely impacted due to lower oil prices. City Auditor Richter stated the Renew and Replacement fund is fully designated for 2020. Any policy or procedure changes need to be sustainable for this development and future developments for new infrastructure in territories annexed to the City. Commissioner Magnuson discussed the city responsibility to extend infrastructure to a new development/future growth of the City; with infrastructure within a new development would be the developer’s responsibility. Magnuson discussed possible funding options, such as $55/linear foot for water; $55/linear foot for sewer extensions with cap at $150,000 to extend city water main and sewer main; depending on size of development and proximity to current services. City Auditor Richter stated the Renew and Replacement fund could support the $150,000 for this and future developments. Commissioner Bishop inquired if bonding would be appropriate for the infrastructure. City Auditor Richter stated the R&R fund would support without bonding; it may be necessary in the future. City Auditor Richter and President Carlsrud mentioned impacts to city budgets including lower gas taxes, lower sales tax collections due to COVID-19.

Chad Petersen from KLJ provided background regarding the water supply to areas including the Love’s property that require coordination with Barnes Rural Water to ensure that designs and specifications are met, but water is sold by Barnes Rural Water (after being purchased from the City and going through a meter pit).

President Carlsrud asked for Commission input. Commissioner Erickson supported development of homes. Commissioner Magnuson responded to Commissioner Powell that electrical service expected from VCPW. Commissioner Bishop agreed with housing developments.

City Auditor Richter responded to City Attorney Martineck that the original intent of the R&R fund was for existing infrastructure as fund was established in 2007 and 2010. City Auditor Richter asked for Commission clarity that the intent is for residential developments (not commercial properties or apartments) in newly annexed territories.

City Attorney Martineck stated an ordinance change would be needed to allow fund use for new development.

Consider Bridgetown Development requests related to Auditors Lot 5 of NE¼, Section 27, Township 140N, Range 58W, Barnes Country (Waterfront Meadows subdivision)

  • Cost-share for infrastructure to new subdivision

    Donny Eberle, registered agent for Bridgetown Developments, inquired about electrical service for the development and cost shares for extension of the lines/transformers. President Carlsrud stated this will need to be researched.

    Commissioner Magnuson clarified that within the development, the cost is fully on the developer. Magnuson’s previous statements has been to extend services to the development.

    Eberle stated there is currently 300-400 feet from the current infrastructure to the development. The land between is city-owned. Eberle asked for city to pay for extension in full across the city-owned land and to a 50/50 cost-share the infrastructure on the roadway as other adjacent land is not owned by Bridgetown Development.
  • Waiver of performance bond

    City Attorney Martineck stated the code requires a performance bond as the City will be extending roadway and service lines to the development. Eberle requested waiver of the performance bond to help lower costs to the developer and offered the opportunity for a lien. Commissioner Powell asked if this possible. City Attorney Martineck will look into this and stated this will create a precedent if the Commission moves forward.
  • Curb/gutter/street installation.

    Donny Eberle stated requested waiver of street, curb and gutter installations with the intent to have this done by the City through special assessments. Eberle referred to previous developments where this has occurred. This requirement is in the City’s land subdivision code. Commissioner Magnuson agreed special assessment district could occur. Commission discussed. Magnuson stated that MDU is not available in this area and discussions are occurring.
  • Taxation of undeveloped lots.

    City Auditor Richter read an email from City Assessor Hansen regarding the taxation of undeveloped lots, there is a 30% discount on these lots. Hansen requested any consideration should keep fairness to other developments in mind.

    Donny Eberle stated there will be 47 taxable lots, split into two phases of development. Eberle asked that unsold lots be assessed at agricultural rate. 18 townhomes are planned to go along the waterfront beginning this summer. Eberle also asked that special assessments not be applied to unsold properties if roadway is installed and only be applied once there is a sales transaction. Commissioner Powell inquired about impacts to other undeveloped lots and the agricultural rates in other areas of town. City Auditor Richter stated this needs to be addressed by City Assessor Hansen.

    Commissioner Magnuson stated when the improvements are made, special assessments are applied to properties within district. Magnuson clarified that an improvement district can be protested out, if 50% protest the improvements.

    City Attorney Martineck stated the City should enter into a Development Agreement with Bridgetown Development that addresses each of the issues.

    President Carlsrud directed City Staff to prepare for continued discussion at April finance meeting and the regular meeting on 4/7/2020 for consideration. Additional items that will be considered include the sidewalks, Barnes Rural Water development agreement.


Meeting was adjourned at 12:23 P.M.

2020 Arbor Day Proclamation

Whereas, In 1872 J. Sterling Morton proposed to the Nebraska Board of Agriculture that a special day be set aside for the planting of trees, and

Whereas,  This holiday, called Arbor Day, was first observed with the planting of more than a million trees in Nebraska, and

Whereas,  Arbor Day is now observed throughout the nation and the world, and

Whereas,  Trees can reduce the erosion of our precious topsoil by wind and water, cut heating and cooling costs, moderate the temperature, clean the air, produce oxygen and provide habitat for wildlife, and

Whereas,  Trees are a renewable resource giving us paper, wood for our homes, fuel for our fires and countless other wood products, and

Whereas,  Trees in our city increase property values, enhance the economic vitality at business areas, and beautify our community, and

Whereas,  Trees, wherever they are planted, are a source of joy and spiritual renewal, and

Whereas,  Valley City has been recognized as a Tree City USA by The National Arbor Day Foundation and desires to continue its tree‑planting ways,

Now, Therefore, I, Dave Carlsrud, President of the City of Valley City Commission, Valley City, North Dakota, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2020 as


In the City of Valley City and I urge all citizens to support efforts to protect our trees and woodlands and to support our city’s urban forestry program, and

FURTHER, I urge all citizens to plant trees to gladden the hearts and promote the wellbeing of present and future generations.

Dave Carlsrud, Mayor
April 21, 2020

04/07/2020 City Commission Minutes

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

5:00 PM via Microsoft Teams. Board Members attended from alternate locations to minimize group size and contact, as recommended by state and federal government officials due to COVID-19 and as allowed in ND Executive Order 2020-16.

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM.

Members present: Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Powell, Commissioner Erickson.

Others Present: City Auditor Richter, City Attorney Martineck, City Assessor Hansen, and Chad Petersen with KLJ.

Call to Order

Roll Call

Best Tasting Water Presentation

Erik Volk with ND Rural Water presented the City of Valley City with an award for the Best Tasting Water. The competition took place at the ND Rural Expo in Fargo in February. The City will have a chance to compete at Nationals held in Washington D.C.

Approval of Agenda – No Changes

Approval of Minutes

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the minutes from the March 18, 2020 meeting, seconded by Commissioner Ross. Motion carried.

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Auditor, Municipal Judge and Public Works Accountant.
  2. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $1,931,152.61
  3. Approve Raffle Permits for Barnes County Wildlife Federation and Valley Quilters

Commissioner Powell moved to approve the consent agenda, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. The motion passed unanimously.

Public Comments

There were no public comments.


Approve second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1051, an Ordinance Annexing Auditor’s Lot 5 of the NE ¼ of the SW ¼ of Section 27, Township 140, Range 58

Attorney Martineck reported there were no changes from the prior meeting. This ordinance pertains to the development of a residential subdivision. Commissioner Magnuson moved to approve Ordinance No. 1051, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. The motion passed unanimously.


Approve Resolution No. 2251, a Resolution Approving Plat of Waterfront Meadows

Attorney Martineck stated the Planning and Zoning Board met and held a public hearing regarding the plat. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of the plat based on the following conditions: defining the wider roadway, identifying the park & walking path, giving the pond and unusable land a designated lot number, and approval of no sidewalks needed. Commission discussed these conditions that need to be addressed before this plat is approved including a written agreement with Barnes Rural Water, a Performance Bond, and a Developer’s Agreement. Commissioner Magnuson would like to see dollars put aside annually for infrastructure expansion. Magnuson moved to table Resolution No. 2251, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. The motion passed unanimously.

Approve Resolution No. 2252, a Resolution Approving Plat of Plecity Mobile Home Park

Attorney Martineck stated the Planning and Zoning Board met and held a public hearing regarding the plat. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of the plat with the condition of confirmation and inclusion of utility easements and a possible 60’ right of way of 17th Avenue SW. Attorney Martineck stated that after further review the maximum width of 17th Avenue SW is 56 feet based on current conditions. Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the plat, seconded by Commissioner Erickson. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business

Update regarding garbage collection the remainder of this week

President Carlsrud stated Friday, April 10th is a holiday, city offices will be closed, and city crews with not be operating. Friday’s garbage pick-up will be picked up on Wednesday and Thursday this week.

City Updates & Commission Reports

City Auditor Richter reported on the election on June 9th. Election will be strictly vote by mail with no in-person voting. There will be a drop box available on the north side of the court house to drop off ballots. Be watching for your ballots in the mail. If you don’t receive ballots by April 30th, call or email the Barnes County Auditor.

Chad Petersen with KLJ reported on Permanent Flood Protection Phase IIA and III. The contractor and subcontractor plan to resume work in the middle to end of April. KLJ and City staff reviewed the City’s Urban Road Program to look at possible projects that might be eligible for a new COVID funding package through the Federal Aid Urban Road System.

Commissioner Erickson encouraged the public to play it safe with COVID and protect yourself and others.

Commissioner Powell inquired when the 5th Ave NW project will be starting. Chad stated the pre job is tentatively scheduled for the end of April and start date would be early May. When we have a more firm date KLJ will work on communication with the property owners. Commissioner Powel also asked what the best source is to answer questions regarding COVID. President Carlsrud recommended following the recommendations of the Governor and encouraged people watch the press conferences.

Commissioner Bishop gave a shout out to the Police and Fire Departments in handling the COVID situation.

Commissioner Magnuson thanked all the entities and gave a shout out to City staff and President Carlsrud for being a tremendous leader through this COVID process. He commended the Governor for his good guidance on closings. Thank you to fellow Commissioners. Everyone stay safe, reach out to others, and support our local businesses.

President Carlsrud gave a shout out to Wade Hesch and Sherry Keys at the Water Treatment Plant. Census 2020 generates money and offsets cost just by getting everyone counted. Everyone needs to be counted. Fargo is emphasizing staying at home with more positive COVID tests, make good judgements.


Meeting was adjourned at 5:50 P.M.

04/13/2020 Board of Equalization Minutes

The City Commission meet on Monday, April 13, 2020 at 4:00 PM CT, via conference call. Board Members attended from alternate locations to minimize group size and contact, as recommended by state and federal government officials due to COVID-19 and as allowed in ND Executive Order 2020-16.

President Carlsrud presided and continued with roll call.

Members present: Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson.

Members absent: Commissioner Powell.

Others Present: Finance Director Richter, Assessor Hansen, City Attorney Martineck.

Finance Director Richter read North Dakota Century Code sections 57-11-01, 03 and 07 pertaining to the duties of the Board of Equalization.

President Carlsrud declared the hearing open at 4:06 P.M. City Assessor Sandy Hansen reported the changes in property values within the city for 2020. An overall summary was read and submitted, with the breakdown as follows:

Property Type  2019 State Certified Values 2020 Projected Totals    $ Change % Change
1.  Residential Land  $               34,837,100  $             35,274,600  $          437,500 1.26%
2.  Residential Structure  $             212,371,200  $           218,227,600  $         5,856,400
Grand Total Residential  $             247,208,300  $           253,502,200  $         6,293,900
3.  Commercial Land  $               33,761,081  $             34,463,755 $           702,674 2.08%
4.  Commercial Structure  $             118,677,009  $           124,187,065  $           5,510,056
Grand Total Commercial $           152,438,090  $          158,650,820  $           6,212,730
5.  Agricultural Land  $                     95,700  $                    98,800  $                  3,100 3.24%
Grand Total Agricultural  $                    95,700  $                   98,800  $                  3,100 3.24%
5.  Total Market Value  $        399,742,090  $      412,251,820  $       12,509,730

City Assessor Hansen reported the parcels for Waterfront Meadows Annexation will be added to the tax rolls in 2021.
Sixty-five notices of increase were sent out. The following property owners contacted City Assessor Hansen regarding the notice of increase for 2020.

63-4270414 Joshua & Jackie Gow The house had been updated and was recently purchased. The house was not reviewed in 2017 when the City Assessor was in neighborhood. Dropped value by $2,300 per changes confirmed with new property owners (ie, siding was repainted, not new) prior to the meeting.

No written comments were received by City Auditor.

Commissioner Magnuson moved to close the hearing, seconded Commissioner Bishop. The motion passed unanimously.

Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the assessment book as presented by the City Assessor, seconded by Commissioner Erickson.  The motion passed unanimously.


The meeting was adjourned at 4:33 p.m.

04/16/2020 Special Meeting of City Commission City Administrator Search Committee

Valley City, North Dakota

Thursday, April 16, 2020
5:30 PM

The City Commission City Administrator Search Committee meet on Thursday, April 16, 2020 at 5:30 PM CT, via conference call. Members may attend from alternate locations to minimize group size and contact, as recommended by state and federal government officials due to COVID-19 and as allowed in ND Executive Order 2020-16.  

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 5:30 PM.

Committee Members Present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, Commissioner Powell, City Attorney Martineck, Public Works Superintendent Differding, Sanitation Department Head Swart, Police Chief Hatcher, Fire Chief Magnuson, City Auditor Richter.

Committee Members Absent: Electrical Superintendent Senf, Water Treatment Plant Superintendent Hesch.

New Business

Review applications and select finalists for City Administrator position.

Executive Session with City Administrator Selection Committee Members. Meeting must be closed pursuant to N.D.C.C. section 44-04-18.27

President Carlsrud declared the Executive Session began at 5:37 PM with all present committee members attending. Commissioner Powell moved to end the Executive Session at 6:01 PM, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. Motion carried.

President Carlsrud reconvened the meeting at 6:10 PM. Commissioner Bishop moved to approve the finalists, seconded by Commissioner Magnuson. City Auditor Richter stated the finalists are Larry Thompson, Darcy Long, and Gwendolyn Crawford. All committee members present participated in roll call vote and voted aye. The motion passed unanimously.


Adjourned at 6:15 PM.

Mayor’s Message


April 20, 2020

Greetings Everyone

As you likely know by now we crowding 600 positive tests in North Dakota.  Just a week ago Sunday, we had about 300 so it is SPREADING rapidly!  While there are a few “hot spots” around the state, there are also more and more people around the state who are spreaders.  That means every time we leave our homes, there is a greater chance we can be exposed to the virus. 

I am sure you all are tired of hearing “Social Distancing”, but it is the best tool we have.  We need to continue our efforts by washing hands, staying home unless going out is essential, cover coughs & sneezes.  Remember, the virus doesn’t care if we are family, friends or fellow workers; we have to protect each other with proper Social Distancing.

Blessings and be safe.

Offices & Transfer Station Closures: Easter

Office & Transfer Station Closings:

  • Public Works, City Hall & Transfer Station will be closed Friday, April 10th.
  • Transfer Station will be closed on Saturday, April 11.

Garbage Schedule: Week of April 6

  • Friday’s garbage will be picked up Thursday, April 9th. Please have it out by 7:00 am.

Filing Deadline for June 9, 2020 Election is Approaching

The filing deadline for the June 9, 2020 election is April 6, 2020 at 4:00 PM. The ND Attorney General, Al Jaeger stated that NDCC “sets the number of signatures required for a candidate’s name to appear on the ballot for a position in a political subdivision and that cannot be changed.” If you are filing a petition, you will need to submit the following number of signatures:

  • Commissioner (2 open positions for 4 year term): 133 signatures
  • Park Board (2 open positions for 4 year term): 128 signatures
  • Park Board (1 unexpired 4 year term ending June 30, 2022): 128 signatures
  • Municipal Judge (1 open position for 4 year term): 133 signatures

In light of COVID-19, circulators may scan the petition and return it electronically to the candidate. Petitions can be transmitted electronically, along with other required documents to City Auditor, Avis Richter at arichter@valleycity.us . Petitions may also be dropped off at the north door of City Hall (254 2nd Avenue NE) during regular business hours, please call 845-8121 to let the City Auditor know you’ve dropped off a petition.

Message from the Mayor re: COVID-19

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Hi Again Everyone,

I am a proud citizen of Valley City and North Dakota.

Do you remember the battles with the horrific floods, with portable outhouses everywhere, and we all pulled together and defeated the floodwaters?  Gosh, help came from the VCPS, VCSU, and even a great number of our more “veteran population”.  You filled well over 350,000 sandbags, served food, and helped in any way you could.  As Governor Burgum might say, it was a great example of “North Dakota Tough”.

Today we are battling an opponent completely different from water.  While water can be deadly, we can go to the water, touch it, walk to higher ground, and again be safe.  COVID-19 plays very differently.  Once we have been close to it, we are likely infected and- unlike the floodwater escaping to higher ground- will not save us.  It is deadly, extremely contagious and “business as usual” has to change.  Please be aware we are no longer an isolated area as we have surpassed South Dakota in numbers of cases.  Hello!  Social Distancing must become the new normal because the young, the strong, and the elderly are all susceptible.  Nearly 40% of cases are in the 20, 30 and 40-year old range.

Many of our businesses are open, but are not open for social gatherings at this time.  Purchase your merchandise and go directly to the safety of your home.  *Unessential travel- NO- “hanging with friends”- NO, as you will place yourself and your friends at risk.  When you have a choice, respect the warnings of Social Distancing. 

To battle this, choose “North Dakota Smart” over “North Dakota Tough”.

Blessings and be safe,

Dave Carlsrud

03/18/2020 City Operations Update re: COVID-19

For the latest City Operations & Information, please see https://www.valleycity.us/covid-19/

On Wednesday March 17, Valley City Mayor Dave Carlsrud declared a state of emergency as a proactive measure to assist in slowing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

Not only will the emergency declaration allow the City to tap into state and federal resources and funding if necessary, but the City will be better positioned to take actions that protect the health and safety of Valley City employees and residents.

Pursuant to the Mayor’s emergency powers, and in consultation with city staff, the doors to City Hall, Public Works Service Center, Transfer Station, Water Treatment Plant, and Fire Department will be closed to the public with an anticipated re-open date of April 1.  Protective measures have been taken by the Police Department and the PD lobby will remain open at this time.  City offices are fully staffed and all services will continue to be provided without interruption, including but not limited to fire and police protection, flood protection, garbage collection, and street, water, sewer, and electric service.  The purpose of the closure is to discourage discretionary travel and unnecessary person-to-person contact in the community.

Residents should call or email with any questions, concerns or business matters.  City staff will determine if access to City facilities will be granted depending on the nature of the issue and the City’s ability to handle the issue remotely.

City Commission meetings and City Planning Meetings will continue to be held as previously scheduled in the Commission Chambers at City Hall; however, in furtherance of the emergency declaration access will be limited as follows:

  • The doors to City Hall will be locked as indicated above.
  • Any interested person must call 701-845-1700 to request access.
  • Interested persons will be encouraged to call a conference line or participate remotely (information will be released as soon as possible).
  • Residents are highly encouraged to watch the broadcast (live or replay) of commission meetings on BEK channel 26 or CSI channel 68.
  • NewsDakota.com and/or KOVC radio will be given an opportunity to livestream all meetings.

Utility Bill Payments

Public Works will provide the following payment options during the emergency closure:

  • Auto-pay
    • Complete the Automatic Payment Authorization Form available at www.valleycity.us, and submit to Public Works, PO Box 240, Valley City, ND 58072.
  • Payment by check or money:
    • Mail to Valley City Public Works, PO Box 240, Valley City, ND 58072.
    • Drop box located in the parking lot north of the Post Office.
    • Drop box located inside the entryway to Public Works at 254 2nd Avenue NE
    • Payments deposited in the drop boxes by 8:00 AM will be credited to the previous day’s business activities.
  • Cash
    • Cash payments will be accepted in the drop boxes only for the duration of the emergency closure and must be enclosed in an envelope with information that clearly identifies the account holder and account.
  • Payment by credit card:
    • Credit card payments will be accepted by phone only for the duration of the emergency closure and only using the account holder’s credit card.  Please call 701-845-0380 during regular business hours.

Contact Information

  • City Hall—(701) 845-1700
  • Public Works—(701) 845-0380
  • Transfer Station—(701) 845-0314
  • Police Department—(701) 845-3110
  • Fire Department—(701) 845-3351

At this time the City has not acted to prohibit local travel or restrict the operations of businesses in town.  Please call local businesses directly to determine how they are responding to COVID-19.

The City of Valley City will continue to monitor this quickly evolving situation and will follow the recommendations of local, state, and federal health experts.  Residents are also encouraged to rely on accurate and current advice from trusted sources.  Covid-19 related questions will be directed to

  • City County Health District—(701) 845-8518, Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 5:00pm;
  • North Dakota Department of Health hotline—(800) 207-2880, daily, 7:00am to 10:00pm;
  • Centers for Disease Control online (www.cdc.gov); and
  • North Dakota Department of Health online (health.nd.gov).

Most importantly, take steps to protect yourself and your family:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water (or hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol)
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with a disposable tissue or use the inside of your elbow
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick, and practice social distancing in general
  • If you believe you or a family member is sick please stay home and call a medical professional