01/08/2020 Planning & Zoning Commission Minutes

Chair Mike Schell presided and called the meeting to order at 4:00pm on Wednesday, January 8th, 2020. Committee Members present: Jim Wright, Bill Carlblom, Jeff Erickson, and Dave Carlsrud. Joe Faure and Bobby Koepplin were absent.

Others: City Assessor/Acting Secretary Sandy Hansen, City Attorney Carl Martinek, Brian Heath and Felix Liebold representing KLJ; no audience members.

Bill Carlblom moved to approve the Minutes of the June 12th regular meeting, seconded by Jeff Erickson, followed by roll call and approval.

Public Hearing for Replat of Lots 2-17 of Walker’s Addition which includes dedication of public right of way on publicly owned lots. Request submitted by the City of Valley City.

Chair Schell opened the public hearing and Jim Wright asked what the reason was behind the request. KLJ’s Brian Heath offered to explain. Doing research for upcoming flood wall construction, it was discovered that when the street was widened to 50’, there was no record of vacating a 10-foot strip on the north side of Lots 2-17 to do so. Those lots are now all owned by either the City, Valley City Parks & Rec, or Valley City State University and all have FEMA covenants that restrict any building or construction on the lots. In finding that the 10-ft strip was never dedicated to the city, to move forward and make it ‘legal & proper’ it would either have to be adjudicated or replatted to get it corrected preceeding construction; the 10 feet would also allow for placement of the floodwall without covenant restrictions. Wright moved to close the public hearing with Dave Carlsrud a second and unanimous approval. As there was no further internal discussion regarding the replat, Wright moved to approve and recommend to the City Commission the replat as presented; Carlblom seconded followed by unanimous approval.


With no other items to discuss, and Building Inspector Dave Andersen absent and unable to present a report, Chair Schell called for the meeting to close at 4:06pm.

Submitted by:

City Assessor Sandy Hansen, Acting Secretary

Posted in Planning & Zoning Minutes.