5/13/2020 Planning and Zoning Minutes

  Chair Mike Schell presided and called the meeting to order by Zoom teleconference at 4:00pm on Wednesday, May 13th, 2020. Committee Members present: Jim Wright, Bill Carlblom, Jeff Erickson, Bobby Koepplin (joined late), Joe Faure and Dave Carlsrud.

     Others: City Building Inspector Dave Andersen, City Assessor/Acting Secretary Sandy Hansen, City Attorney Carl Martineck, and Brian Heath representing KLJ.

     Audience members: Gregg Stroeng, Chris Johnson; Mickey Kvien.

     Bill Carlblom moved to approve the Minutes of the April 8th regular meeting and the April 29th special meeting, seconded by Joe Faure, followed by roll call and approval.

Public Hearing for a Plat Request of Love’s Addition (63-2601150) which includes a subdivision of land for development of Love’s Travel Stop. Request submitted by Roserock Holdings LLC.

      Chair Mike Schell opened the public hearing. Gregg Stroeng & Chris Johnson of CEI Engineering/Bolton & Menk were available as representation for Love’s if there were any questions from the board. As there were no questions, Jim Wright moved to close the public hearing with Carlblom a second. With no internal discussion points, Carlblom moved to recommend a do pass to the city commission of the plat with Faure seconding followed by roll call and approval. Chair Schell mentioned to the representatives that the commission meeting would be the next Tuesday, May 19th, at 5pm if they wanted to be available to that board.

Public Hearing for Replat Request of Lot 5, South Valley Addition (63-4990050). Request submitted by Maurice & Peggy Kvien.

      Chair Schell opened the public hearing. Property owner Mickey Kvien explained that he wanted to subdivide his property as it is currently for sale but he wanted to keep a portion for access to a cold storage building. Building Inspector Dave Andersen said that Kvien has enough square footage of land for the building but not enough front footage, so Kvien may need a variance to have the building on this replatted lot. Andersen explained there was plenty of depth but the new lot would lack the minimum 100’ frontage as it only has 50’ frontage. Wright moved to close the public hearing with Jeff Erickson seconding. Internal discussion followed. City Attorney Carl Martineck stated that if the board approved the replat, the variance would be included because of that approval. Andersen said he was concerned about fencing issues if the remaining property was continued to be used as a salvage yard but Kvien assured him that it is no longer a salvage yard and that he was not marketing it as such. Dave Carlsrud asked if there was a hard reason to deny the replat/variance and Schell remarked that there was not a hard reason, but variances are usually issued if there is a hardship issue and this wasn’t a hardship issue so he was concerned about setting a precedent for future requests. Wright moved to recommend a do-pass of the replat as is to the City Commission with Carlblom seconding. The board approved with Bobby Koepplin and Schell voting nay.

Building/Fire Inspector Dave Andersen’s Report

     Andersen reported that the Love’s architects cleared up some issues with the original building plan and a new one will have some amendments. Anderson also said he had been expecting updates from the college regarding the new Arts Center but hadn’t heard from them.


     With no other items to discuss, Chair Schell called for the meeting to close at 4:23pm.

Submitted by: City Assessor Sandy Hansen, Acting Secretary

Posted in Planning & Zoning Minutes.