05/18/2020 Mayor’s Message


Good day everyone, we have had a good week in Valley City.  With weather patterns becoming more “normal” and some sunshine, get out and enjoy some of the activities that provide good social distancing. 

  • Bridge City Cruisers have had a couple successful Cruise Nights; there was a “Senior Parade”, along with walking, biking and maybe some chalk art.
  • Cass County and other areas in out state have been hit with more cases of the virus so BEWARE, essential travel only.  We will increase our chances of avoiding the virus only if we continue a good job of social distancing.
  • For Fun:  The VCFD is doing “Birthday Calls”; check them out.
  • Thursday night the VCFD used its drill night to clean “The Broken Road”.  Along with the VCFD, a number of Public Works Departments contributed to the clean up as well; an aesthetic improvement for our community.
  • Thank you to all teachers and administrators at VCPS and VCSU for making distance learning successful this spring.
  • Census 2020 is a big deal for you all.  Please complete the form mailed to you, or complete it online so no one has to “knock” on your door; BE COUNTED!
  • Please Read Measure #1 on your ballot.  It is important for the completion of your Permanent Flood Protection.
  • We will have another 5:30 Press Briefing Wednesday, our guests are Pat Hansen and Scott Magnuson. Please join us.
  • “The most beautiful way to begin and end the day is with a Grateful Heart. (Charlie Brown)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Dave Carlsrud

Posted in Announcements, Covid-19.