11/9/2020 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • Thank a “Veteran” as November 11th is Veterans’ Day.  Many people out there have served our country’s military to provide the freedoms we have today.  Also, when you see active military personnel, please say “Thank you” to them as they are currently protecting our freedoms.
  • “Thank you” to all the “close contacts” out there who are patiently quarantining to protect people around them.
  • Recycle CARDBOARD.  Cardboard “weighs up” in a hurry so it is beneficial to recycle, as it is “cash flow”.  If it is thrown in our garbage it becomes an “expense”.  The less garbage we have to ship to Fargo’s Landfill, the longer we can hold our Garbage Rates steady for you.  Please try it.
  • We are now in the Orange Risk Level for the COVID spread which prompted a “Mask Mandate” in Valley City.  Our number of positives spiked again with 30 one day last week and double digit increases since.  The virus has caused a number of Barnes County people to be very sick for a couple weeks and there have been deaths.  This is serious, please Mask-UP, it helps.  We NEED to be “North Dakota Smart”!!
  • What we have been doing is not slowing the spread.  Please ask yourself, “To slow the spread, what can I do better”?
  • Long time Senator Larry Robinson was defeated in this year’s election.  As Senator, Larry served District 24 faithfully, effectively and with dignity.  He worked both sides of the aisle in efforts to “do the right things” for all North Dakota.  Thank you Larry and thank you to your family members for their support over the years as well, you will always be remembered.
  • Be courteous, respectful & kind. 

“Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway.”  (John Wayne)                                                   

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Posted in Announcements.