6.28.2021 Special Commission Agenda

The City Commission Meeting will begin on Monday, June 28th, 2021 at 8:15 AM CT, at the City Commission Chambers, 254 2nd Avenue NE, Valley City, ND.

The meeting is also available to view online https://zoom.us/j/96369581680 or listen by calling (1 346 248 7799) Webinar ID:  963 6958 1680

Call To Order
Roll Call
Pledge of Allegiance (Please Stand)

New Business

  1.  Approve Raffle Permit for the Sheyenne River Valley National Scenic Byway Foundation.  (Finance Director Richter)

Roll Call           Magnuson        Gulmon           Erickson          Bishop             Carlsrud

2.  Consider Possible Burn Ban/Fireworks Options.  (President Carlsrud)

Roll Call           Bishop             Magnuson        Gulmon           Erickson          Carlsrud

3.  Approve Third and Final Reading of Ordinance No. 1085, an Ordinance to Amend and Reenact Chapter 08-07 and Section 11-05-11 and to repeal Title 13 of the Valley City Municipal Code re Mobile Park Regulations.  (City Attorney Martineck)

Roll Call           Erickson          Bishop             Magnuson        Gulmon           Carlsrud


Posted in Announcements, City Commission Agendas.