11.14.2021 Mayor’s Message

“Hi Everybody,

  • Last weekend provided a quick change in our driving conditions.  It took me a bit to re-educate myself to the feel of slippery roads.  Please slow down and be safe.
  • Last week it was my pleasure to attend the Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) Fall Member Meeting with three of our city employees.  There was a plethora of informative topics presented; from strategic planning, membership services to legislative updates, financial reports and the very critical cyber-security protection for the infrastructure.  In addition, there was time for networking with MRES Employees, other community representatives and some visiting among our group.
  • Garbage Cans:  With the summer we had there was rarely an accumulation of rain in our garbage cans.  Now with the fall rains it happens more frequently.  If it is happening to you, try drilling four or five quarter-inch holes in the bottom.
  • There are some break-through COVID cases throughout the country and North Dakota.  That said the unvaccinated comprise a very high percentage of hospitalized COVID patients and deaths.  * Think about protecting your family, friends and co-workers; please get vaccinated.
  • Addiction:  If you or someone you know is struggling, get help.  It is helping me.
  • The local Salvation Army Kettle Campaign begins Tuesday November 23rd.  To be assured your donation is credited locally, give at the kettles.  “Ring the Bell”, sign up with Lenora at 701-840-1357 or Naomi at 701-541-1418.
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his/her parents will not have respect for anyone.”                                                                    (Billy Graham)  Blessings, Respect Others, Be Kind and Pray,


Posted in Announcements.