12.12.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hi Everybody,

  • We have certainly been Blessed with a beautiful winter to date.  As of this writing, there is still a nice blanket of snow insulating our water lines etc.    There is some ice on roads so please be careful when driving or walking.   ** Stopping one’s vehicle on ice takes much longer than on a clear surface!
  • Wind created snowdrifts in some backyards so please clean around your garbage cans and dumpsters so our city crews can provide better service for you.
  • COVID in one form or another is still lingering.  The best mitigation has been vaccination; many unvaccinated patients in hospitals wish they had been vaccinated.
  • VERY SERIOUS:  We have a large number of school buses transporting children to and from the various schools in our area.  When a school bus has the “STOP ARM” extended, vehicles from both directions are REQUIRED to STOP.  Most importantly for safety and it is THE LAW!
  • The Salvation Army Kettle Campaign continues through December 24th.  Please contribute what you can and “Ring the Bell” yourself. J Call 701-541-1418 or 701-840-1357 to sign up.
  • Thank you to contributors again this week.
  • “It is unwise to make education too cheap.  If everything is provided freely, there is a tendency to put no value on anything.  Education must always have a certain price on it; even as the very process of learning itself must always require individual effort and initiative.”                                                          (President Dwight D. Eisenhower)         Blessings, Respect, Kindness and Prayers,


Posted in Announcements.