1.11.2022 Planning and Zoning Minutes

Chair Mike Schell presided and called the meeting to order 4:00pm on Tuesday, January 11th, 2022. Committee Members present: Dave Carlsrud, Bill Carlblom, and Bobby Koepplin, with Joe Faure attending my Zoom. Absent: Mike Bishop and Jim Wright.
Others: City Attorney Carl Martineck, City Administrator Gwen Crawford, City Planner Joel Quanbeck, Acting Secretary/City Assessor Sandy Hansen and Assessor-in-Training Tina Current, Building Inspector Michael Blevins, City Engineers Mike Strom (KLJ) and Tracy Eslinger (Moore Engineering).
Audience members: Nick Blevins, Jan Reid, Rick Ross, Donald Bauer, Deedra Froemke, Neil Schmidt, Earl Behm.
Bobby Koepplin moved to approve the Minutes of the October 12, 2021 regular meeting, seconded by Bill Carlblom, followed by roll call and approval.
Building Inspector Report
Building Inspector Mike Blevins had sent an email of the 2021 review and read it for the board & audience; 2021 wrapped up with 72 permits in all. Current large-scale project updates included the near completion of the VCSU Performing Arts building, the Smith Lumber addition project, the Concept Dentistry remodel of the west end of Valley West Mall, and the start of the new Valley Realty Apartments in Hyland Park Estates.
Public Hearing for PUD Amendment Request of Hidden Ponds Estates Recommendation to City Commission.
Chair Schell opened the public hearing, turning it over to City Planner Joel Quanbeck for explanation of the amendments. Quanbeck said this PUD application was reviewed by the board in 2021 and at that time there was significant discussion about geotechnical issues; geo-analysis was performed and brought to the board which then approved the application. The PUD plat was also approved by the City Commission, but was not filed and recorded at that time as the owner decided to make some adjustments to parcel borders in the plat. Lots 4 & 5 were widened from 45’ to 74’to accommodate a larger townhome, and additionally the large outlot was changed to Lot 6 and removed from the PUD. When asked, Quanbeck reassured the board that easements would be on the final plat for the City Commission to approve. Chair Schell reiterated that the only changes were to the lot sizes of Lots 4 & 5, and the change of the large outlot to a Lot 6 and would not be included in the PUD; Quanbeck also added that Lots A & B common area had some minor adjustments in sizes to accommodate a larger road, and for the storm water detention area. Chair Schell invited the public for comments. Rick Ross asked about the project as he had not attended the 2021 meetings, and he stated his concerns about the underground springs and hill stability. Chair Schell explained it again, adding that soil boring had been done and it had been approved at that time; no new building projects were going to be added other than the two twinhomes previously approved. Ross asked for the engineering report and Quanbeck supplied him with it. Jan Reid expressed her concerns about the storm water detention pond and the drainage. She added that the low area of her property (to the west of this project) and her neighbors were very wet and she worried this project would add to it. She encouraged the board to look over the situation. Engineer Mike Strom reassured the board the drainage situation was looked over thoroughly as the developers wanted to be sure the clay-base detention pond would hold excess water and slowly drain out through a smaller pipe in a direction that would not add issues to neighboring properties. Ross then asked about why a slope-stability analysis wasn’t done according to the report he had been supplied with; Strom explained that the building structures and soil-borings indicated to Braun Technologies (who did the studies) that slope
analysis wasn’t needed. Carlblom moved to close the public hearing with Koepplin second and board approval. In board discussion, Koepplin asked Strom about the size of the drainage which Strom admitted he didn’t have the exact size but it should be between 8-12” in diameter. Koepplin moved to recommend approval of the application for the PUD amendment with the inclusion of City Planner Quanbeck’s recommendations of: a) stormwater runoff from the proposed development be addressed in a way that’s consistent with stormwater management requirements of Valley City and does not increase runoff onto adjacent properties, b) the 4 items previously noted as “additional subdivision preliminary plat required information that is not shown on the preliminary plat or as supplemental information” be provided for the record, c) all infrastructure required to serve the proposed development have easements as required by Title 16 of the VC Municipal Code and city engineering standards, d) the applicant shall give satisfactory assurance of the provision of all site improvements for the proposed development as required by VCMC Section 16-01-06, e) the applicant shall ensure that all site improvements are consistent with all applicable design standards and infrastructure requirements, and f) the proposed development shall be consistent with the decisions and requirements of the Planning & Zoning Commission resulting from the findings of the previously prepared and reviewed geotechnical report. Carlblom seconded and the board approved of the motion with the recommendations.
It was brought to the board’s attention that the possible April Planning & Zoning meeting coincided with the City Equalization meeting date & time; it was decided to reschedule the April meeting date (if one is needed) to the following day – Wednesday, April 13th, at 4pm.
With no other items to discuss, Chair Schell called for the meeting to close at 4:35pm.
Submitted by: City Assessor Sandy Hansen, Acting Secretary

Posted in Planning & Zoning Minutes.