11.20.2022 Mayor’s Message

Hello Everybody,

  • Small Business Saturday is being celebrated this Saturday.  The forecast is for a 30 degree day so get out and enjoy some shopping, food and visiting. 
  • * It is slippery, wear seatbelts!
  • Our City Electrical Department has been hanging Christmas Lighting in Veterans’ Park and will be “flipping the switch” Friday evening at 5:30.  Stop by and see the handiwork.  Thank you guys for making it happen.
  • November 17, The Great American SMOKEOUT was noted for all who my want to stop chewing or smoking tobacco.  There is a plethora of help available for all who want.  For more, search “The Great American Smokeout”.
  • HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all and please be safe.
  • American Education Week was celebrated November 13-19.  Thank you to all teachers and administrators at all levels who provide learning opportunities for students.  “Thank an educator”.
  • Winter is a time where we tend to be more sedentary than other times of the year which can lead to weight gain and poor health.  Our local stores have terrific warm clothing and footwear options so being outside in the cold can be comfortable.  We North Dakotans can do better so we can feel better.  For information, open: https://www.newsdakota.com/2022/11/15/obesity-rates-in-north-dakota-are-steadily-increasing/#:~:text=North%20Dakota%20has%20the%2011th,either%20poor%20or%20fair%20health
  • Missouri River Energy Services (MRES) has a program called Bright Energy Solutions to provide savings for your homes and businesses. For information, call Marshall Senf (845-8143) or search Bright Energy Solutions.
  • Thank you to all who provide and proof material for this article.
  • When you practice gratefulness, there is a sense of respect towards others.”              (Dalai Lama)                                                  

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Posted in Announcements.