1.15.2023 Mayor’s Message

Hello Folks,

  • While driving the other day I was on my “pity-pot” about all the snow we have and some of its challenges.  Then, as the sun set lower in the sky, I began noticing the magnificent artwork created by the snow, wind and shadows.  The beauty ranged from the largest snow banks to the barely definable snow drifts in ditches, in fence lines, in the sloughs and on the tilled fields.  Go for a drive & and enjoy the views.
  • Last Saturday morning our District 24 Representatives Dwight Kiefert & Cole Christensen along with Senator Mike Wobbema held a Legislative Forum in Valley City.  That the Legislative Session is just underway, there weren’t many bills to date, but they are expecting over 1200 by the deadline!  January 28th there will be two forums, 8:30 AM in Litchville and 11:00 AM in Lisbon.  Thank you guys for meeting with us and for serving District 24.
  • Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL) says an alarming fact about home fires today is the flammability of the synthetic materials. Thirty years ago one had on average 14 to 17 minutes to escape.  Today, with the synthetic materials present, one has only 2 to 3 minutes to escape as homes can be engulfed in about 4-minutes!  One more thing, close windows and doors in all rooms; “Close before you doze”.
  • With the Legislature in session, sometimes our city representatives will be traveling to the capitol to testify on bills for the good of Valley City, Barnes County and North Dakota.  It gets to be pretty busy at times, but very worthwhile.
  • Will you please pick up your pet’s poop?  Now that it freezes, it is easier ….. please?
  • Thanks to all who provide and proof material for this article.
  • Success is falling nine times and GETTING UP TEN.”                                                                   

                                                                                          ~ Shutterstock

Blessings, Pray, be Grateful and Respectful,


Posted in Announcements.