City of Valley City Recognized for Safe Drinking Water Act Compliance

Public water systems are required by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) to take many actions to provide safe drinking water.

The SDWA was passed by Congress in 1974 to protect public health by regulating the nation’s public drinking (potable) water supplies. Over the years, there have been a number of changes to the Safe Drinking Water Act. These changes have made it more challenging to maintain compliance. The North Dakota Department of Health issues a Safe Drinking Water Act Certificate of Achievement as one way to recognize the public water systems that satisfied all applicable requirements during the previous calendar year.

In 2018, the City of Valley City complied with all applicable Safe Drinking Water Act requirements. To recognize this accomplishment, the North Dakota Department of Health issued the City of Valley City a Safe Drinking Water Act Certificate of Achievement.

The City of Valley City commends its water system staff, Wade Hesch and Sherry Keys, for a job well done from which its consumers benefited.

Posted in Announcements, Public Works.