4.5.2021 Mayor’s Message

Hi Folks,

  • We are in the midst of some unseasonable warm & comfortable April weather.  Some years this time is considerably colder … isn’t that how we get averages?
  • On a serious note, we are in a “Red Flag Warning” so be extremely careful with anything that could spark a flame.  There have been some awful fires in our region and we are extremely dry.
  • Last week we talked a bit about prejudice and people who are different from us.   When I was a kid in a little town, a “mixed marriage” involved a Norwegian and a Swede!  How petty!  Those prejudices came from the “old countries” and were taught to the kids.  Let’s help our youth learn the positives; respect, hope and love for all.
  • We are Blessed to live in the United States.  The United States isn’t perfect, but it is still the best country in which to live.
  • It is spring; the grass is turning green, the ice melted, there is new life and there are good driving conditions.  When it is nice, it seems like we tend to drive faster and that is a danger.  There are motorcyclists, bicyclists, joggers and walkers out there with whom we are to share roads and alleys.  As drivers, we need to drive as per conditions and speed limits, please drive safely.
  • You may have noticed our alleys were groomed and are now smoother.  That is the good news.  The challenge is to restrict driving speeds as there are children playing in back yards and sometimes get into the alley.  A number of folks have been driving TOO FAST in alleys. Please drive safely.
  • Good News:  The river is open, there are boats on the water and people are fishing.  Let’s get out of our houses and look around town.  It feels good and refreshes the mind.
  • There are legislative bills that could affect you.         See: https://www.legis.nd.gov/assembly/67-2021/regular to track bills and to contact your legislators if you wish.  It is an interesting process.                                                                                                         
  • “Beauty is not in the face; but is a light in the heart.”      (Khalil Gibran)                                                   

Blessings, Be Kind, Be Respectful and Pray


Posted in Announcements.