8.3.2021 Finance Meeting Minutes

Called To Order

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM.

Roll Call

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson, and Commissioner Gulmon.

Department Reports

Electrical Superintendent Senf working on straitening poles and replacing a couple of lines as well.  There were 4 outages, 1 bird, 1 tree and 2 squirrels.  Goal is to complete downtown sub next fall.  There is a request to put security cameras on the new poles in the Rosebud parking lot.  Dickey Rural Network will quote it but before they do they want to know that it’s not going to be something that won’t be allowed.

Water Superintendent Hesch reported that it is still very dry and I do see a lot of usage in the night so that’s good that people are watering at night.  Right now it doesn’t seem that we will have to go on a water restriction.  No concerns with algae bloom since we have the satellite.   

Sanitation Supervisor Swart reported that they are finished screening the compost so they have some really nice black dirt.  We are also looking to hire another employee. 

Operations Superintendent Klemisch reported water and sewer department has been working with the electrical crew upgrading some motors in the lift stations.  We’ll probably be looking at painting the lines next week. 

Discuss Offering for Sale Lots 63-3450012 and 63-3440047.

City Administrator Crawford stated we have an individual interested in purchasing 63-3440047 and a small section of 63-3450012 at $48,200.  The assessed value is $49,200 plus a little more for the extra feet into the other plat.  They need to figure out some information with the DOT regarding the right of way which may take several months, so at this time there is not a time line as to when he would build on it. 

Commissioners requested additional information to better determine the value of the property.

Review Preliminary Budget.

Finance Director Richter stated we do have a change on CVB but it doesn’t affect the mil.

Mary Lee Nielson stated they are in process of looking for a new Marketing Rep for town but in order to do that we are asking to change the payment for the parking lot to $5,000/year so the other portion can be put towards that position.  It’s the same amount in full just spread out for a longer period of time.

Review Monthly Bills and Reports.

We are at $1.9 million for monthly expenditures for July.  We had 3 payrolls, busy in the construction season and those are the majority.  That brings us down to our regular operating charges.

Fire Extinguisher Services Financial Report.

Net income is right around $8500.

Discuss Policy Manual Change.

City Attorney Martineck stated he would like to update our policy to align better with the state’s guidelines and define eligible members that the sick leave can be used on.

Review NDDOT Draft 2022-2025 Valley City Urban Roads Program.

Chad Petersen reported last week the DOT sent out the draft for their Urban Roads Program.  Discussion took place to change 5th St NW to a later timeframe and add 2nd Ave NE to 3rd St NE project so I am looking for confirmation that is still the plan so we can let the DOT know.

Discuss Bids for the Master Lift Station Upgrades Project.

Chad Petersen stated bids were open back in July 16th.  One bid was received at $464,000, engineers estimate was about $230,000.  We’re over the budget for the year and due to the timeline of everything it may be best for the city to reject and rebid this fall.

Discuss General Resolution that Authorizes the City Administrator to Sell City Property if it’s below a Given Amount and Determine Given Amount.

City Administrator Crawford said this is for personal property under a certain value, not real estate.  Commission agreed that $2500 was a good amount.


The meeting was adjourned at ­4:48 PM.

Posted in Announcements, Finance Meeting Minutes.