President Dave Carlsrud

07/13/2020 Mayor’s Message


Hi Everyone

  • Well, we know the COVID-19 “stuff” is blowing up around the country with a new surge as predicted by those “in-the-know”.  
  • We had a fantastic virus-testing event last Wednesday at the Winter Show and well over 500 people came. Sadly, only the first 500 could be tested.  Our City County Health Department, the National Guard and other volunteers organized and executed a very efficient plan.  The local Salvation Army crew furnished water and snacks for the workers.  THANKS EVERYONE J
  • The North Dakota COVID-19numbers reported from July 11th are quite high.  Hospitalizations are the highest since the inception of the epidemic L.  Again, YOU KNOW THE DRILL, please be diligent with your social distancing.
  • Do you know we have a Municipally Owned Electric Power Company?  We belong to Missouri River Energy Services (MRES), which affords us some of the best electrical rates around and approximately 84% is “green energy”.  Thanks to our city leaders of the time who had the foresight to contract with Western Area Power Administration (WAPA), approximately 73% of our electric power is from hydropower J
  • Remember “Census 2020”; BE COUNTED!  The Money generated for our cities, counties and states is critical for the services to which we have become accustomed.  Thank you.
  • The words that soak into your ears are whispered …. Not yelled.”     (A Cowboy’s Guide to Life)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Dave Carlsrud

President Dave Carlsrud

06/22/2020 Mayor’s Message


Hi everyone, a few Tid-Bits

  • North Dakota Smart, positive tests are up nationally, in North Dakota and in Barnes County.  “You know the drill” do your best to be safe.
  • If you are contemplating travel out of your local community, please visit the following website:  There are a few easy, common sense questions that may interest you.
  • Celebrate “North Dakota Share the Road Safety Week” (June 21-27)
    • Be safe drivers, avoid distractions like texting and remember pedestrians have the right of way at crosswalks
    • Be safe riders, be alert and obey rules of the road
    • Be safe walkers and joggers, wear visible clothing and always FACE traffic, do not walk or run with traffic.  ENJOY
  • “A FRIEND is one of the nicest things to have and one of the nicest things to be.”     (Charlie Brown)

Blessings, Pray and Be Safe,


Dave Carlsrud