5.1.2022 Daily Flood Minutes

President Carlsrud called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM.

Members present: President Carlsrud, Commissioner Magnuson, Commissioner Bishop, Commissioner Erickson and Commissioner Gulmon

Others present: City Administrator Crawford, City Attorney Martineck, Deputy Auditor Klein

Rich-Pool elevation at Lake Ashtabula is 1265.85. Releases are at 3,700 cfs, inflows of 6,500 cfs. Warwick is at 993, kind of flat and Cooperstown is doing the same thing at 2,760.  Bald Hill Creek is on the rise at 1,720 and looks like it is ready to flatten out. Valley City is at 17.94 flow right about 5,500 cfs. Local inflow is right around 1,200 cfs. This morning a decision was made to cut about 800 cfs to give some relief to the south. The operating plan for Bald Hill Dam is to maintain the 3,700 cfs discharge and we’ll reevaluate tomorrow. The National Weather Service had come out with an updated forecast looking at Valley City to crest at 18.1, the unofficial crest at 8 am was 18.09. Looking back at the historic crest, that brings 2022 in 5th place.  Ahead of the 1993 event that was 18.05.

Gwen-We are working with the levee watchers.  We will be going through the night until tomorrow at 8 p.m. We are still looking for volunteers.  After tomorrow night our water levels will be low enough so we won’t need any then. Public Works will go back to the 8-hour shifts.

Clint-We’ve pretty much caught up everywhere, there are a few places of standing water but we’ll get those shortly.  Going back to 8 hour shifts around the clock.

Sue-The county is doing okay.  Dazey has some problems with their lift station being jeopardized.  Their engineer was out yesterday to do some water levels, they thought Hgwy. 1 was causing issues.  Litchville had problems with their lift station dying so Jamestown borrowed them a pump while they work on the other.  BC Highway Superintendent Kerry Johnson closed Highway 21, all the other bridges are still open. Townships still reporting some washed out culverts otherwise things have slowed down.

Scott-The city has worked flawlessly together.  The water is going to go down but the current will still be fast and cold so stay off the levees.

Dave-We will not be meeting at 4 pm so our finance meeting will begin at 4 pm on Tuesday.  Cleanup takes longer so please be patient.  Kudos to everybody that has helped.  One of the most interesting comments over the week was from the Governor.  He said he had been on a lot of emergency tours and this one had been the most relaxing yet because everyone had done such a good job.

Gwen-The flood hotline will still be up and running so you can use that to report any flood related issues.


Meeting was adjourned at 4:14 PM.

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