07/17/2018 City Commission Agenda

City Commission Meeting
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
5:00 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

Approval of Agenda – Remove N3

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from July 2, 2018 meeting

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve bingo permit for Chamber of Commerce
  2. Approve Electrician License for Dakota Electric Construction Co., Inc.

Roll Call:          Powell              Erickson           Magnuson        Bishop              Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


O1. Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1035, an Ordinance Amending & Re-enacting Title 18, Parks (City Attorney Mertins)
Roll Call:          Erickson          Bishop          Magnuson          Powell          Carlsrud

O2. Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1036, an Ordinance Creating a Perpetual Restrictive Covenant For Structures to be Removed in Accordance with State Water Commission (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Bishop          Magnuson          Erickson          Powell          Carlsrud

New Business

N1. Appoint Shannon Little Dog to the Renaissance Zone Authority Board for remainder of 3 year term that began July 1, 2018 (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Magnuson          Powell          Bishop          Erickson          Carlsrud

N2. Approve recommendation from Renaissance Zone Authority Board to approve application for purchase of new home by Edward & Jilletta Anderson at 448 13th Street NW with a 5 year income tax exemption and a 5 year property tax exemption up to $250,000 for purchase of new home, designate it as VC-109 (pending receipt of good standing) (Jim Knutson, Chair)
Roll Call:          Powell          Bishop          Magnuson          Erickson          Carlsrud

N3. Approve amendment to contract with City Attorney Martinek (City Administrator Schelkoph)

N4. Consider decorating Central Avenue for Crazy Daze (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Bishop          Magnuson          Powell          Erickson          Carlsrud

N5. Approve new gaming site authorization for Valley City Eagles at Captain’s Pub (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Magnuson          Erickson          Powell          Bishop          Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report

City Updates & Commission Reports


07/02/2018 City Commission Agenda

City Commission Meeting
Monday, July 2, 2018
5:00 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of allegiance (please stand)

Presentation by Fire Department to Retiring Officer

Approval of Agenda  – Remove Consent D, Addition of Consent E

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from June 19 and 26, 2018 meetings

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Auditor, Municipal Judge and Public Works Accountant.
  2. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $1,633,475.65
  3. Approve Raffle Permit for Barnes County Historical Society, CHI Health at Home – Hospice, Red Knights
  4. Approve Carnival License for
  5. Approve alcoholic beverage license for Captains Pub

Roll Call:          Erickson           Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


  • Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1033, an ordinance amending Title 11, Zoning (City Attorney Mertins)

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Powell              Erickson           Bishop              Carlsrud

New Business

N1. Approve Application to Block off Street on July 28, 2018 by the Thundering Saints on the 200 block of Main Street East, or the 100 block of 3rd Avenue SE if reconstruction has not begun (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Powell          Erickson          Magnuson          Bishop          Carlsrud

N2. Approve the Visitors Committee recommendation for an extension for completing the installation of replacement interpretive and map panels along the Scenic Byway to December 31, 2018 (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Bishop          Erickson          Magnuson          Powell          Carlsrud

N3. Approve Public Works Policy on Meter Exemption Charges (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Erickson          Bishop          Powell          Magnuson          Carlsrud

N4. Consider “Notice to Award” to Swanberg Construction for the Ultra Filtration Project at the Water Treatment Plant (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Magnuson          Bishop          Powell          Erickson          Carlsrud

N5. Consider “Notice to Proceed” to Swanberg Construction for the Water Treatment Plant Ultra Filtration Project (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Bishop          Powell          Magnuson          Erickson          Carlsrud

N6. Consider Increasing Contract Maximum for Construction Engineering for Paving Improvement District No. 113 by $16,950.00 (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Powell          Magnuson          Erickson          Bishop          Carlsrud

N7. Consider Increasing Contract Maximum for Construction Engineering for 2017 Parking Lot Improvement District by $15,500 (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Magnuson          Bishop          Powell          Erickson          Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report

City Updates & Commission Reports


06/26/2018 Special City Commission Agenda

Special City Commission Meeting

Valley City, North Dakota

Tuesday, June 26, 2018
5:00 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge Of Allegiance (Please Stand)

New Business

  1. Receive the Barnes County Official Canvassed Abstract and the Certificate of Election from the Primary Election held on June 12, 2018 (City Auditor Richter)
    Roll Call:          Powell              Magnuson        Erickson           Bishop              Carlsrud
  2. Appoint and approve Vice President to Valley City Commission
    Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Erickson            Carlsrud
  3. Approve reorganization of Commissioners’ Portfolios:
    1. Finance
    2. PW Streets, Sanitation & Sewer
    3. PW Electric & Water
    4. Police & Fire
    5. Building & Grounds
      Roll Call:          Bishop              Magnuson        Powell              Erickson            Carlsrud
  4. Appoint and approve Commissioner assignments to additional committees and boards
    Roll Call:          Erickson           Powell              Bishop              Magnuson            Carlsrud
  5. Newly Elected Officials Orientation


06/19/2018 City Commission Agenda

City Commission Meeting
Tuesday, June 19, 2018
5:00 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

Block Party Proclamation

Approval of Agenda – Remove N7, N8; Addition of N14

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from June 5, 2018 meeting

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve alcoholic beverage licenses for the following businesses:
    1. American Legion Club
    2. Boomer’s Corner Keg
    3. Budget Burger
    4. Captain’s Pub
    5. Chinese Palace
    6. Dakota Silver
    7. Eagles Club
    8. City Lights
    9. Jimmy’s Pizza
    10. Tavern Ninety-Four
    11. My Bar Valley City, LLC
    12. RND Inc. dba NuBar
    13. Sabir’s Dining & Lounge
    14. The Labor Club
    15. The Liquor Locker
    16. Town & Country Club
    17. VC Developers LLC dba Bridges Bar & Grill
    18. VFW Post
    19. Woodland Steakhouse Bar & Grill
    20. And all licenses received before June 30 and approved by the Police Chief and Fire Chief
  2. Approve cabaret license for Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 2192
  3. Approve electrician license for:
    1. Lyon’s Electric LLC
  4. Approve retail tobacco licenses for the following businesses:
    1. Boomers Corner Keg
    2. Brothers III Sports
    3. Casey’s Retail Company
    4. CHS Inc (151 9th Ave NW)
    5. CHS Inc (807 W Main St)
    6. County Bottle Shop, Inc. dba The Liquor Locker
    7. Dakota Silver
    8. Dollar General Store #17856
    9. Eagles Aeries Club 2192
    10. Family Dollar Stores of ND #7662
    11. Leevers Foods (424 2nd Ave NE)
    12. Leevers Foods (148 Central Ave S)
    13. Petro Serve USA #071
    14. And all licenses received before June 30

Roll Call:          Pedersen           Powell              Bishop              Magnuson            Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


O1. Approve second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1032, an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Alcoholic Beverages (City Attorney Mertins)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Pedersen            Carlsrud


R1. Approve Resolution No. 2149, a Resolution Recommending AE2S for modification project at Water Treatment Plant (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

New Business

N1. Approve Recommendation from Renaissance Zone Board for 348 5th St NE to transfer remaining 5 year income tax exemption and 5 year property tax exemption up to $250,000 for purchase of a new home, and designate it as VC-97 (pending receipt of Certificate of Good Standing) (Jim Knutson)
Roll Call: Bishop              Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen            Carlsrud

N2. Approve Recommendation from Renaissance Zone Board for 513 Legacy Lane to transfer remaining 5 year income tax exemption and 5 year property tax exemption up to $250,000 for purchase of a new home, and designate it as VC-68 (pending receipt of Certificate of Good Standing) (Jim Knutson)
Roll Call: Pedersen Magnuson       Bishop             Powell             Carlsrud

N3. Approve Amending Renaissance Zone Policy Regarding Transfer of a Previously Approved Project (Jim Knutson)
Roll Call: Powell             Bishop              Pedersen           Magnuson            Carlsrud

N4. Approve appointing board members for open positions, effective July 1, 2018 (City Auditor Richter):

Renaissance Zone Board (2 openings; 3 year term): JoEllen Lee;

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Powell              Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

N5. Approve Preliminary Engineering Reimbursement Agreement with NDDOT for Project No. SU-2-990(058), mill & overlay project on Main Street West frontage roadway (I-94 Ramp to 5th St SW) (Interstate Engineering)
Roll Call: Bishop             Pedersen           Magnuson         Powell              Carlsrud

N6. Approve Preliminary Engineering Reimbursement Agreement with NDDOT for Project No. NHU-2-094(158)928, mill & overlay project on Main Street West (I-94 Ramp to 3rd St SW) (Interstate Engineering)
Roll Call: Pedersen Bishop              Powell              Magnuson            Carlsrud

N7. REMOVED – Consider Increasing Contract Maximum for Construction Engineering for Paving Improvement District No. 113 by $16,950.00 (KLJ)

N8. REMOVED – Consider Increasing Contract Maximum for Construction Engineering for 2017 Parking Lot Improvement District by $15,500 (KLJ)

N9. Approve Annual Gaming Site Authorization for Valley City Hockey & Figure Skating Club at Town & Country Club (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call: Magnuson Pedersen           Bishop              Powell             Carlsrud

N10. Approve Annual Gaming Site Authorization for Valley Twisters Gymnastics Club at Bridges Bar & Grill (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Bishop              Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen            Carlsrud

N11. Approve Annual Gaming Site Authorization for Valley City State University at Shelly Ellig Field at Lokken Stadium, W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse, Valley City Town & Country Club, Eagles (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Bishop              Powell              Magnuson            Carlsrud

N12. Consider accepting bid for solid waste transfer contract (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Powell              Pedersen           Magnuson         Bishop              Carlsrud

N13. Consider employment contract with Carl Martineck for City Attorney/HR Director (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Powell              Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

N14. Approve Permanent Flood Protection Phase IV buyout purchase of 259 4th Avenue SE for the appraised value of $37,000 (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report

City Updates & Commission Reports


06/05/2018 City Commission Agenda

City Commission Meeting
Tuesday, June 5, 2018
5:00 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of allegiance (please stand)

Approval of Agenda – Addition of Consent H, Removal of N7

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from May 15 and 22, 2018 meetings

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Auditor, Municipal Judge and Public Works Accountant.
  2. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $2,557,638.25
  3. Approve Parade Application for Valley City Area Chamber of Commerce Rally in the Valley on Central Avenue on June 16, 2018
  4. Approve Application to Block off Street for Valley City Area Chamber of Commerce Crazy Daze on July 25 on Central Avenue from 2nd Street NE to 4th Street NE and 3rd Street from 2nd Avenue NE to 2nd Avenue NW
  5. Approve Application for Tree Trimming License for Johnny B’s Trees
  6. Approve Application for Plumber & Mechanical Contractor for Arneson, Inc.
  7. Approve Raffle Permits for Shine
  8. Approve Application to Block off Street for St. Paul’s Lutheran Church on 3rd Street NW from alley to 2nd Avenue NE on June 16, 2018

Roll Call:          Pedersen           Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


 O1. Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1032, an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Alcoholic Beverages (City Attorney Mertins)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Powell              Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud


R1. Approve Resolution No. 2147, a resolution to create Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 63, located along 3rd Avenue SE (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Powell              Pedersen           Magnuson         Bishop              Carlsrud

R2. Approve Resolution No. 2148, a resolution to create Water Main Improvement District No. 99, located along 3rd Avenue SE (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Bishop              Magnuson        Powell              Pedersen            Carlsrud

New Business

N1. Approve Special Alcohol Beverage Event Permit for Boomers Corner Keg on June 17, 2018 for Dakota Riders Hillclimb (City Auditor Richter)

Roll Call:          Pedersen           Powell              Bishop              Magnuson            Carlsrud

N2. Approve Annual Gaming Site Authorization for Thundering Saints, Inc. at Boomer’s Corner Keg from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 (City Auditor Richter)

Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Pedersen            Carlsrud

N3. Approve Annual Gaming Site Authorization for Frank S. Henry VFW Post 2764 at NuBar and VFW Club from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

N4. Approve roof repair for standpipe mixer expenditures by Great Plains Structures in the amount of $32,025.00 (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Bishop              Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen            Carlsrud

N5. Approve Contract with Jordan Transformer, LLC to Drain, Inspect, and Report the cause of the motor trip in a URS Tap Changer that is attached to a Transformer, in the amount of $14,234.00 (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call: Pedersen Bishop              Powell              Magnuson            Carlsrud

N6. Approve Contract with Resco to purchase transformers in the amount of $19,093.00 (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Powell             Carlsrud

N7. REMOVED – Consider accepting bid for solid waste transfer contract (City Administrator Schelkoph)

N8. Consider recommendation from RFP committee for engineering services for two 2019 construction projects (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call: Bishop             Pedersen           Magnuson         Powell              Carlsrud

N9. Consider accepting bid for the sale of City Parking Lot south of Hub-Mac more specifically described as Parcel Number 63-3473111, Lots 3-6, Block 31 Original Townsite, in the amount of $40,000 from George Gaukler (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Carlsrud

N10. Approve Technical Support Services Agreement with Barnes County (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call: Magnuson Powell              Pedersen           Bishop  Carlsrud

N11. Approve appointing board members for open positions, effective July 1, 2018 (City Auditor Richter):

  • Planning & Zoning Commission (2 openings; 5 year term) – Joe Faure; Mike Schell
  • Renaissance Zone Board (4 openings; 3 year term) – Tyler Marthaler; Cindy Schwehr;        (formerly held by George Dutton);         (formerly held by Doreen Sayler)
  • Visitors Committee (1 opening; 4 year term) – Ken Reid

Roll Call:          Powell              Pedersen           Magnuson         Bishop              Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report

City Updates & Commission Reports


05/15/2018 City Commission Agenda

City Commission Meeting
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
5:00 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

Approval of Agenda – Addition of Consent E

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from May 1, 2018 meeting

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Raffle Permit for Ashtabula Fireworks Association
  2. Approve Application to Block off Street for Sheyenne Valley Soapbox Derby on Central Avenue on June 2-3, 2018
  3. Approve Application to Block off Street for Rally in the Valley Street Dance on June 16, 2018 on 100 Block E Main Street
  4. Approve Electrician License for Maple River Electric
  5. Approve Application to Block off Street for VFW 2764 on May 28, 2018 on 100 Block E Main Street for Memorial Day event
    Roll Call:          Powell              Bishop              Pedersen           Magnuson            Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


O1. Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1032, an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Alcoholic Beverages (City Attorney Mertins)
Roll Call:          Bishop              Pedersen           Magnuson         Powell              Carlsrud


R1. Consider Resolution No. 2145, a resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract for Project No. UGP-SU-2-990(055)059, 3rd Ave SE Reconstruction from 4th St SE to Main St (Paving Improvement District No. 115) (KLJ & City Attorney Mertins)
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Carlsrud

R2. Consider Resolution No. 2146, a resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract for Project No. UGP-SU-2-990(057), Central Avenue Streetscape and Concrete Pavement Repair (KLJ & City Attorney Mertins)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Powell              Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

New Business

N1. Approve Construction Engineering Services with KLJ for Paving Improvement District No. 114 (7th St SE Mill & Overlay) in the amount of $34,750 (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Powell              Pedersen           Magnuson         Bishop              Carlsrud

N2. Approve Construction Engineering Services with KLJ for Paving Improvement District No. 117 (2018 Mill & Overlay and Seal Coat) in the amount of $56,500 (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Bishop              Magnuson        Powell              Pedersen            Carlsrud

N3. Approve Preliminary and Design Engineering Agreement for 5th Ave NW Street Reconstruction from Main Street to 12th Street NW in an amount not to exceed $144,500 (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Powell              Bishop              Magnuson            Carlsrud

N4. Approve Special Alcohol Beverage Event Permit for RND Inc. dba NuBar for Rally in the Valley Street Dance on June 16, 2018 (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Pedersen            Carlsrud

N5. Approve Special Alcohol Beverage Event Permit for VFW Post 2764 for Rally in the Valley Street Dance on June 16, 2018 (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

N6. Approve Special Alcohol Beverage Event Permit for The Captain’s Pub for Rally in the Valley Street Dance on June 16, 2018 (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Bishop              Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen            Carlsrud

N7. Approve City Commission schedule change for City Commission and Finance meetings to be held on Monday, July 2, 2018 (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Bishop              Powell              Magnuson            Carlsrud

N8. Consider advertising for bids: the sale of City Parking Lot south of Hub-Mac more specifically described as Parcel Number 63-3473111, Lots 3-6, Block 31 Original Townsite (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Powell             Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report

City Updates & Commission Reports


05/01/2018 City Commission Agenda

City Commission Meeting
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
5:00 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

Proclamation for Stroke Awareness Month

Proclamation for Arbor Day

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from April 17, 2018 meeting

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Monthly Reports from the Fire Chief, Building Inspector, Auditor, Municipal Judge and Public Works Accountant.
  2. Approve Monthly Bills for the City and Public Works in the Amount of $2,884,496.63
  3. Approve Electrician and/or Plumber Licenses for Tim’s Plumbing, Valley Electric
  4. Approve Raffle Permit for Sheyenne Valley Bowmen, Valley City Fire Department

Roll Call:          Bishop              Magnuson        Powell              Pedersen            Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.


O1. Approve second and final reading of Ordinance No. 1031, an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Alcoholic Beverages (City Attorney Mertins)
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Powell              Bishop              Magnuson            Carlsrud

New Business

N1. Approve Recommendation from Renaissance Zone Board for 523 Legacy Lane for a 5 year income tax exemption and a 5 year property tax exemption up to $250,000 for purchase of a new home, and designate it as VC-84 (pending receipt of Certificate of Good Standing) (Jim Knutson)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Pedersen            Carlsrud

N2. Approve Recommendation from Renaissance Zone Board for 1036 7th Avenue NW for a 5 year income tax exemption and a 5 year property tax exemption for new construction, and designate it as VC-108 (pending receipt of Certificate of Good Standing) (Jim Knutson)
Roll Call:          Powell              Bishop              Pedersen           Magnuson            Carlsrud

N3. Approve Special Alcohol Beverage Event Permit for Hi-Line Hospitality at VCSU on May 10, 2018 for Employee Recognition Dinner (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Bishop              Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen            Carlsrud

N4. Approve Construction Engineering Services with KLJ for Paving Improvement District No. 116 in the amount of $56,500 (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Pedersen            Carlsrud

N5. Approve Construction Engineering Services with KLJ for Sanitary Improvement District No. 62 in the amount of $6,700 (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Carlsrud

N6. Approve Construction Engineering Services with KLJ for Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 51 in the amount of $10,900 (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

N7. Consider implementation of Request For Proposal process for two 2019 Construction projects (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Bishop              Pedersen           Magnuson         Powell              Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report

City Updates & Commission Reports


04/17/2018 City Commission Agenda

City Commission Meeting
Tuesday, April 17, 2018
5:00 PM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

Approval of Agenda

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from April 3 and April 10, 2018 meetings and April 10, 2018 Board of Equalization meeting

Approval of Consent Agenda

  1. Approve Raffle Permit for Barnes County Wildlife Federation, Disabled American Veterans, Express Wrestling
  2. Approve Electrician, Plumber and/or Mechanical Contractor license for ASAP Electric, RJ’s Plumbing & Heating, Inc.
  3. Approve Block off the Street Request for Valley City Public Schools on April 28, 2018 on 4th Street NW from Central Avenue to 2nd Avenue
  4. Approve Block off the Street Request for Valley City State University Residence Life on May 3, 2018 on Viking Drive from Student Center to intersection of 8th Avenue
    Roll Call:          Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Powell             Carlsrud

Public Comments

Attorney General’s “A Citizen’s Guide to North Dakota Open Records & Open Meetings Laws” *A member of the public does not have the right to speak to the governing body at an open meeting.  The public is only entitled to see and hear what happens at a meeting, and to record or broadcast those observations.

  • No personal attacks to persons present or not
  • No inflammatory language used during time that you have the platform
  • 5 minute maximum or as directed by the chair
  • Thank you for participating in City Government.

New Business

N1. Approve NDDOT Cost Participation, Construction & Maintenance Agreement for NDDOT Project No. UGP-SU-2-990(057), Central Avenue from Main to 12th St N (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Powell             Carlsrud

N2. Consider approving Amendment No. 1 for Preliminary & Design Engineering Services with KLJ for NDDOT Project No. UGP-SU-2-990(057), PCN 22043 (Central Avenue) (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Bishop              Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen            Carlsrud

N3. Approve Permanent Flood Protection Phase IV buyout purchase of 229 4th Ave SE for the appraised value of $155,000 (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Bishop              Powell              Magnuson            Carlsrud

N4. Approve Gaming Site Authorization for Valley City Eagles Aerie 2192 Fraternal Order of Eagles at 345 12th Ave NE; Hi-Line Hospitality, LLC at 2369 Elm Street; The Labor Club, 214 2nd Street NE; My Bar Valley City LLC, 240 East Main Street; and Main Street Off Sale LLC – Tavern 94, 455 Wintershow Road (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

N5. Approve Gaming Site Authorization for ND Wildlife Federation at Valley City Eagles, 345 12th Ave NE on April 6, 2019 (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Powell              Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

N6. Approve Special Alcohol Beverage Event Permit for City Lights at VCSU on April 25, 2018 for VCBCDC Annual Banquet (City Auditor Richter)
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Carlsrud

Public Hearing

PH1. Open Public Hearing regarding Special Assessments confirmed by the Special Assessment
Commission for Paving Improvement District No. 112

Declare hearing open.
Close hearing.
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Powell              Bishop              Magnuson            Carlsrud

Approve Special Assessments as recommended by the Special Assessment Commission for Paving Improvement District No. 112
Roll Call:          Bishop              Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen            Carlsrud

PH2. Open Public Hearing regarding Special Assessments confirmed by the Special Assessment
Commission for Paving Improvement District No. 113

Declare hearing open.
Close hearing.
Roll Call:          Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

Approve Special Assessments as recommended by the Special Assessment Commission for Paving Improvement District No. 113
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Pedersen            Carlsrud


PH3. Open Public Hearing regarding Special Assessments confirmed by the Special Assessment
Commission for 2017 Parking Lot Improvement District

Declare hearing open.
Close hearing.
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Powell              Bishop              Magnuson            Carlsrud

Approve Special Assessments as recommended by the Special Assessment Commission for 2017 Parking Lot Improvement District
Roll Call:          Bishop              Magnuson        Powell              Pedersen            Carlsrud


O1. Approve first reading of Ordinance No. 1031, an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Alcoholic Beverages (City Attorney Mertins)
Roll Call:          Powell              Pedersen           Magnuson         Bishop              Carlsrud


R1. Approve Resolution No. 2144, a Resolution of Sponsorship for After School Latch Key Program dba TL Childcare CDBG Loan Fund Application (Brenda Moritz, SCDRC)
Roll Call:          Bishop              Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen            Carlsrud

R2. Approve Resolution No. 2140, a Resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract for Sanitary Sewer Improvement District No. 62 to Swanberg Construction in the amount of $234,938 (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Powell              Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

R3. Approve Resolution No. 2141, a Resolution Accepting Bid and Awarding Contract for Storm Sewer Improvement District No. 51 to DL Barkie Construction, Inc. in the amount of $167,665 (KLJ)
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Carlsrud

R4. Approve Resolution No. 2143, a Resolution to Designate Authorized Representative for the City of Valley City as a Member of Missouri Basin Municipal Power Agency d/b/a Missouri River Energy Services (City Administrator Schelkoph)
Roll Call: Powell              Magnuson        Pedersen           Bishop              Carlsrud

City Administrator’s Report

City Updates & Commission Reports


04/10/2018 Special City Commission Agenda

Special City Commission Meeting
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
7:00 AM

Call to Order

Roll Call

Pledge of Allegiance (please stand)

New Business

N1. Consider alleged violation of Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance by American Legion Club
Roll Call:          Magnuson        Bishop              Powell              Pedersen            Carlsrud

N2. Consider proposed disposition for American Legion Club regarding violation of Alcoholic Beverage Ordinance
Roll Call:          Pedersen           Powell              Bishop             Magnuson            Carlsrud


04/10/2018 Board of Equalization Meeting

Board of Equalization Meeting
Tuesday, April 10, 2018
4:00 PM

Call to Order

  1. Auditor to read Sections 57-11-01, 03 and 07 of the North Dakota Century Code pertaining to the duties of the Board of Equalization.
  2. President declares the hearing open
    1. Report from Assessor
    2. Requests from Property Owners
    3. Auditor’s report on any written communication
  3. Motion to close hearing
    Roll Call:          Powell              Magnuson        Bishop              Pedersen            Carlsrud
  4. Commission to review the assessment books. Motion to approve the assessment books as prepared by the City Assessor. (Note any changes to assessment books in separate motion).
    Roll Call:          Pedersen           Bishop              Powell              Magnuson            Carlsrud
